Kanha Travel Information
Kanha preserves a very precious heritage. The laws of nature permit no replacement: not one new specy is known to have evolved in the past million years. So to see these forest homes of tiger and deer is to wonder anew at the mystery of the animal world.

The Tiger at Kanha
"Awesome, and magnificent…so beautifully and perfectly proportioned that he seems cast in gold, the tiger is a living sculptured masterpiece.." His fine symmetry is heightened by a pair of blazing eyes and a sinuous, stalking stride, Mysteriou in every way, he always appears suddenly, dramatically, then fades away into the bamboo thickets as silently as he came. You can meet "Sher" as the tiger is called in India, at Kanha National Park in Madhy Pradesh.
Forested Sanctuary
In the heartland of India, Kanha lies in the Satpura ranges. The hills are forested with stately sal trees. In the central area stretch meadows laced by streams. And in one corner of the plateau is the strategically situated Bamni Dadar airstrip.
The Barasingha
In this amphitheatre of 446 square kilometers live a variety of deer, blackbuck, gaur, leopard and striped hyena. The graceful barasingha swamp deer (cervus duvauceli branderi) preserved only in
Kanha, is characterized by sweeping twelve-tined antlers. With woolly brownish yellow coats, these gregarious animals are always seen in schools of the same age or sex group. Demure in their ways are the gentle chital or spotted deer bounding in abandoned delight when scared. If lucky you might catch a glimpse of the shy smabar.
Of a grayish - brown colour, they prefer to remain inconspicuous till after dusk. Flashing across the green, you see elegant back, the fastest creature on four legs. The colours of the bucks and does differ considerable. Of the antelope family, these animals love open spaces where speed is their surest protection against enemies.
Gaur and Barking Deer
Gaur are common at Kanha. Adult bulls are jet black with short-haired pelage while the cows and young are deep brown coloured. A small dewlap hangs below the chin and a large one drapes down frequent the dense undergrowth and when frightened, give a trumpet-like snort and lumber away, among the other animals at Kanha the nilgai and barking deer are also a part. A smattering of wild pig also make their home here in the wilderness.

This sanctuary, sheltered on three sides by the Maikal hills, is also the home of a few leopards. The sloth bear, who has a white crescent on his chest, is a nocturnal guest. Small mammals such as musk shrew, palm squirrel and mouse deer frolic in the meadows and trees. Minnow like fish glide in the streams. And ninety species of twittering birds awake with the dawn to usher in each new day.
The Changing Seasons
Just before summer, the Flame of the Forest trees are flamboyant. The semi deciduous sal change leaf to summer green. By May, Kanha wears its summer ensemble as the trees regain their mantles of lush green.
The Kanha National Park is closed to visitors during the monsoon from July to October.
How To Get There
The nearest airport is Nagpur (270km).
Arrangements can be made for chartered flights to land at the Bamni Dadar airstrip. Most convenient railheads : Jabalpur on the Howrah - Bombay via Itarsi line of the Central Railway.
Connected by road with nagpur, Jabalpur and Mandla. Taxis are available at Jabalpur.

The Tiger at Kanha
"Awesome, and magnificent…so beautifully and perfectly proportioned that he seems cast in gold, the tiger is a living sculptured masterpiece.." His fine symmetry is heightened by a pair of blazing eyes and a sinuous, stalking stride, Mysteriou in every way, he always appears suddenly, dramatically, then fades away into the bamboo thickets as silently as he came. You can meet "Sher" as the tiger is called in India, at Kanha National Park in Madhy Pradesh.
Forested Sanctuary
In the heartland of India, Kanha lies in the Satpura ranges. The hills are forested with stately sal trees. In the central area stretch meadows laced by streams. And in one corner of the plateau is the strategically situated Bamni Dadar airstrip.
The Barasingha
In this amphitheatre of 446 square kilometers live a variety of deer, blackbuck, gaur, leopard and striped hyena. The graceful barasingha swamp deer (cervus duvauceli branderi) preserved only in

Of a grayish - brown colour, they prefer to remain inconspicuous till after dusk. Flashing across the green, you see elegant back, the fastest creature on four legs. The colours of the bucks and does differ considerable. Of the antelope family, these animals love open spaces where speed is their surest protection against enemies.
Gaur and Barking Deer
Gaur are common at Kanha. Adult bulls are jet black with short-haired pelage while the cows and young are deep brown coloured. A small dewlap hangs below the chin and a large one drapes down frequent the dense undergrowth and when frightened, give a trumpet-like snort and lumber away, among the other animals at Kanha the nilgai and barking deer are also a part. A smattering of wild pig also make their home here in the wilderness.

This sanctuary, sheltered on three sides by the Maikal hills, is also the home of a few leopards. The sloth bear, who has a white crescent on his chest, is a nocturnal guest. Small mammals such as musk shrew, palm squirrel and mouse deer frolic in the meadows and trees. Minnow like fish glide in the streams. And ninety species of twittering birds awake with the dawn to usher in each new day.
The Changing Seasons
Just before summer, the Flame of the Forest trees are flamboyant. The semi deciduous sal change leaf to summer green. By May, Kanha wears its summer ensemble as the trees regain their mantles of lush green.
The Kanha National Park is closed to visitors during the monsoon from July to October.
How To Get There
The nearest airport is Nagpur (270km).
Arrangements can be made for chartered flights to land at the Bamni Dadar airstrip. Most convenient railheads : Jabalpur on the Howrah - Bombay via Itarsi line of the Central Railway.
Connected by road with nagpur, Jabalpur and Mandla. Taxis are available at Jabalpur.