Imphal Travel Information
Imphal a mini-metropolis the capital of this beautiful land of blue-green hills, cascading rapids, carpets of flowers and winding rivers beckons the tourist. It is connected by road with Guwahati (Assam) through National Highway No.53. Here the Govindajee Temple is a prominent Vaishnavite centre. The simple aesthetic structure has two golden domes and a large performed on special occasions. The shrine of Vishnu is flamked by shrines of Krishana & Bal Ram on one side and Jagannth on the other. In the heart of the city are two memorials, the towering Shaheed Minar in Tikendeajit Park that commemorates the mirtyrs who died fighting British Colonilism and the war cemetery that revives the memories of those British and Indian soldiers who led down there lives during the second world war, which came to the doorstep of Imphal. The heritage of Manipur can be viewed in the state Museum located near the Polo ground. It is store house of Manipur's past. On display are works of art, archeology natural history textiles besides a portrait collection of former rulers of Manipur and armoury of the Royal army. If you feel like shopping visit the unique Khwairmband Bazar. All the stall holders are women almot 300 Imas or mothers it is split into two sections on either side of the road.
Excursions :
27 kms away is Bishunpur famous conical roofed temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu Built in 1467 during the regin of King Kiyamba, it is interesting for its antiquity and chinese style design. It also known for irs stone production. 45kms away is moirang. The town is one of the main seats of early Manipuri folk culture with the anicient temples of the pre Hindu diety Lord Thangjing situated here. In the month of may men and women dressed in colourfull traditional costumes ding, and dance in honour of the Lord at the Moirang Lai haraoba which is a ritual dance festival held every year. This town has a specilic historic importance, as it was here that Netaji Chander Bose's Indian National Army (INA) hoisted its flag for the first time on Indian Soil. The collection letters photographs articles records and other memorabila are on display at the INA museum. Shopping Pleasures :
Manipur specialies in handloom which is a cottage industry in the state and almost every household owns a loom with women busy in the creation of typical unique native designs. Famous among them is the Moirangphee designs belived to have been introduce by princess. Thoibi of Moirang the Phanek or snake designs constituting red and black stripes. Symbloic of snakes. Pickup an exotic shawl cover bedspread or ready made garments. Choose a handicraft to decorate your home Krishna Radha dolls in Raslia pose, Phirooks or decorative papier mache flower vases, baskets bamboo trays or just wear a bamboo hat.